Friday, March 6, 2009

The very best thing about Art of Difference is that it's produced by an independent arts organisation. While it has got quite a bit of money from all over the place, mostly Government, it is allowed to present what it thinks is important. And what is important is anything that takes us closer to self-determination by Deaf and disabled (artists with disabilities) artists. 

That means that it is allowed to take risks, allowed to fail, set up to succeed, encouraged to offend and challenge, and rewards curiosity. All the opposite things of the death rattles of government and bureaucratically run enterprises.

Art of D is going to be fun and rewarding in all sorts of cerebral ways. Don't miss Block Party - the midway celebration of all things short. Make sure you are in Fed Square on thursday at 1pm or 5pm to see Bedrock, the epitome of the independent spirit of AOD. Join us if you can.

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